Saturday, August 23, 2014

To Diana,with love.

A glimpse of your bearing
Through the veiled evening sky I caught.
Dazzling me with your sheer presence,
Lighting my darkest paths unaware.
You said I’d never be alone.
Miles apart, yet together we’d stay at heart.
You coasted through the clouded sky,
yearning for the sun that never came by.
As the drizzle filled with your pain
rained down on the world,
behind the dark clouds you vanished.
Never a moment had passed,
without me looking up there.
Searching for a ray of light,
searching for my ally,
Evading me for what seemed like an eon,
I still looked out.
Waiting for that one beam of hope.
And when you did,
when you peeked out
through the gloomy sky,
My sky lit up in your thereness,
It felt like not a minute had gone by.
For I am radiance and you are the moon.
Beyond blood and kinship,
Beyond distance and time,
Beyond now and eternity,
This bond shall go.
 Demanding not like, but the great love.
Not happiness, but euphoria.
Not a partner, but a companion.
Not some, but all.
Demanding infinity, we stand united.
Alone against the world,
but together we shall endure.
Through the loud music and light verses,
the withered pages and new leaves,
the moving frames of make believe.
Through life as it seems,
In search of the knights for our darkness,
who do not smother our luminescence.
We may fail at our cause,
But you will always know, you had an ally in me
Miles apart, yet together we remained at heart.

                                                                                                - The Illuminated

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