The woman at the help desk understood nothing of what Ajju was screaming. There came the lame manager guy Tintu, whom Ajju disliked the most. After a "lot" of Bengali "SH-OSH-WOSH" he led the four towards emergency room. Ajju was relieved that her agony is about to end. Those moments made her feel that she had hit a new level of endurance.
"Tintu ji doctor kahan hai?",Kuttan screamed looking at Ajju's tears..
"Abhi ayega Kuttan ji..."
A tall broad man walked into the room. He remotely looked like a professional. Ajju's hope of being relieved hit the rock bottom when she looked at the doctor yawning and sleepwalking towards her.
EM stood by Ajju, who was biting into her fist. Stna and Kuttan explained the situation in both English and Hindi to the doc, but Tintu's magical Bangla skills(or may be a mediocre local slang of the language) did the trick.
The doc now knew that Ajju had pain in her ear.
He switched on the little torch he had and checked her ear.
"The other one", said Ajju and turned to show her left ear.
The doctor was peering in for sometime and said," Its just Ear wax, Kuch nahi hai".
An irate Ajju screamed,"Well kuch nahi hai wouldn't be moving inside my ear da goiyala".
But the doctor was convinced that there was nothing wrong with Ajju's ear and she is just creating a scene.
"Anyways why don't you clean her ear so that we are sure nothing is actually wrong",suggested Kuttan.
The doctor blabbered stuff in Bengali which later Tintu translated that, there is no need for any cleaning and Ajju is perfect to go. More than the pain the doctor irritated Ajju.
Stna and Kuttan where hellbent in cleaning Ajju's ear so the doctor asked her to lie down on the stretcher-bed kinda thing in the room and reluctantly went to get the syringe.Stna and Kuttan went to the pharmacy near by to get the ear drops the giant doctor guy had prescribed.
Ajju thought ,"I am so not gonna lay down there", but a second later she perched on the bed giving in to the thing in her ear.
Then there was a strange light that lit up the room. It was like the scenes in movies where the heroine walks near by the hero, everything looked beautiful, even the disease carrying bed felt like a king size jumbo feather mattress.
A nurse was there to check on some reports, and saw Ajju crying. She enquired what was wrong. Though she knew only Bengali she was able to understand Ajju's pain. She checked in her ear and confirmed that there was something in Ajju's ear.
"Ha I told ya...", said Ajju
EM who had interpreted was the nurse's gestures said,"Just hold your breath and shut up, the nurse says that might bring out the buggy".
"Yeah may be I will die in the process so the bug will have a safe exit, are you out of your mind? What if that thing goes into my mouth? I'd choke to death".
"No you wont", said EM,trying to calm down Ajju.
"Oh yeah...that's so assuring",said Ajju, but she realized at least the nurse believes that she is not lying about the bug may be give her method a try. She held her breath and shut her mouth tight, but the pain was unbearable. She held EM's hand so tight that she started screaming in pain.
The nurse quickly poured few drops of water into her ear.
Suddenly Ajju felt tickly moving from inside to outside of her ear.It worked....!!!!!!
The buggy was crawling out. In a matter of seconds Mr.Bug was ramp walking out of her ear. The nurse flicked it to the floor and was examining Ajju who sprung up immediately smiling.She thanked her guardian angel though the nurse understood nothing.
"It's gone..poye pochu",smiled Ajju.
At the same time Stna and Kuttan came into the room panting.
"Shoot the pharmacist is out",exhaled Kuttan.
"So is the bug",laughed EM.
"Enga anda doctor... stupid fellow Kuch nahi Kuch nahi nu sonnan. Ask him to look at this.Kuch Kuch Hota Hai",shouted Ajju whose abysmal Hindi made the rest laugh out.
Stna,EM and Kuttan gave the doctor a piece of their minds for his exceptional examining skills.
The four returned back in the same ambulance with Ajju explaining in detail bout the pain she had just endured.
It was 6.30 in the morning by then and a tender coconut vendor had set up his vehicle near the hostel. After thanking Tintu ji(this time even Ajju joined in) and decided to take a refreshing drink.
"Hey we haven't brushed... Never mind...",said Stna.
After having 2 coconuts each they decided to hit the bed.Stna and Kuttan where so lazy to climb up to their room they decided to sleep in the two beds of EM and Ajju. After taking precautionary measures like stuffing their ears with balls of cotton, the four laid down.
"Man.. a few months back did you think you would be helping out a complete stranger whom you thought was a snob,in the middle of nowhere,at the break of dawn?", asked Ajju to Stna and Kuttan.
"Nah....",they smiled.
"I cant believe we are actually having many wonderful memories in Helldia",piped up Stna.
"Wonderful? Really?",snared Ajju.
"Hey what if the buggy had nested in your ear?",asked Kuttan. The very thought scared Ajju and she started hitting Kuttan with her pillow.
They all laughed away to sleep and Ajju looked up and whispered "Thank you guys."
"Yeah just shut up",said Kuttan,EM and Stna, in unison.
This surely was one hell of an experience thought Ajju .Instantly a smile concaved, sighing she went to sleep.
"Tintu ji doctor kahan hai?",Kuttan screamed looking at Ajju's tears..
"Abhi ayega Kuttan ji..."
A tall broad man walked into the room. He remotely looked like a professional. Ajju's hope of being relieved hit the rock bottom when she looked at the doctor yawning and sleepwalking towards her.
EM stood by Ajju, who was biting into her fist. Stna and Kuttan explained the situation in both English and Hindi to the doc, but Tintu's magical Bangla skills(or may be a mediocre local slang of the language) did the trick.
The doc now knew that Ajju had pain in her ear.
He switched on the little torch he had and checked her ear.
"The other one", said Ajju and turned to show her left ear.
The doctor was peering in for sometime and said," Its just Ear wax, Kuch nahi hai".
An irate Ajju screamed,"Well kuch nahi hai wouldn't be moving inside my ear da goiyala".
But the doctor was convinced that there was nothing wrong with Ajju's ear and she is just creating a scene.
"Anyways why don't you clean her ear so that we are sure nothing is actually wrong",suggested Kuttan.
The doctor blabbered stuff in Bengali which later Tintu translated that, there is no need for any cleaning and Ajju is perfect to go. More than the pain the doctor irritated Ajju.
Stna and Kuttan where hellbent in cleaning Ajju's ear so the doctor asked her to lie down on the stretcher-bed kinda thing in the room and reluctantly went to get the syringe.Stna and Kuttan went to the pharmacy near by to get the ear drops the giant doctor guy had prescribed.
Ajju thought ,"I am so not gonna lay down there", but a second later she perched on the bed giving in to the thing in her ear.
Then there was a strange light that lit up the room. It was like the scenes in movies where the heroine walks near by the hero, everything looked beautiful, even the disease carrying bed felt like a king size jumbo feather mattress.
A nurse was there to check on some reports, and saw Ajju crying. She enquired what was wrong. Though she knew only Bengali she was able to understand Ajju's pain. She checked in her ear and confirmed that there was something in Ajju's ear.
"Ha I told ya...", said Ajju
EM who had interpreted was the nurse's gestures said,"Just hold your breath and shut up, the nurse says that might bring out the buggy".
"Yeah may be I will die in the process so the bug will have a safe exit, are you out of your mind? What if that thing goes into my mouth? I'd choke to death".
"No you wont", said EM,trying to calm down Ajju.
"Oh yeah...that's so assuring",said Ajju, but she realized at least the nurse believes that she is not lying about the bug may be give her method a try. She held her breath and shut her mouth tight, but the pain was unbearable. She held EM's hand so tight that she started screaming in pain.
The nurse quickly poured few drops of water into her ear.
Suddenly Ajju felt tickly moving from inside to outside of her ear.It worked....!!!!!!
The buggy was crawling out. In a matter of seconds Mr.Bug was ramp walking out of her ear. The nurse flicked it to the floor and was examining Ajju who sprung up immediately smiling.She thanked her guardian angel though the nurse understood nothing.
"It's gone..poye pochu",smiled Ajju.

"Shoot the pharmacist is out",exhaled Kuttan.
"So is the bug",laughed EM.
"Enga anda doctor... stupid fellow Kuch nahi Kuch nahi nu sonnan. Ask him to look at this.Kuch Kuch Hota Hai",shouted Ajju whose abysmal Hindi made the rest laugh out.
Stna,EM and Kuttan gave the doctor a piece of their minds for his exceptional examining skills.
The four returned back in the same ambulance with Ajju explaining in detail bout the pain she had just endured.
It was 6.30 in the morning by then and a tender coconut vendor had set up his vehicle near the hostel. After thanking Tintu ji(this time even Ajju joined in) and decided to take a refreshing drink.
"Hey we haven't brushed... Never mind...",said Stna.
After having 2 coconuts each they decided to hit the bed.Stna and Kuttan where so lazy to climb up to their room they decided to sleep in the two beds of EM and Ajju. After taking precautionary measures like stuffing their ears with balls of cotton, the four laid down.
"Man.. a few months back did you think you would be helping out a complete stranger whom you thought was a snob,in the middle of nowhere,at the break of dawn?", asked Ajju to Stna and Kuttan.
"Nah....",they smiled.
"I cant believe we are actually having many wonderful memories in Helldia",piped up Stna.
"Wonderful? Really?",snared Ajju.
"Hey what if the buggy had nested in your ear?",asked Kuttan. The very thought scared Ajju and she started hitting Kuttan with her pillow.
They all laughed away to sleep and Ajju looked up and whispered "Thank you guys."
"Yeah just shut up",said Kuttan,EM and Stna, in unison.
This surely was one hell of an experience thought Ajju .Instantly a smile concaved, sighing she went to sleep.